Inco Ships operates vessels in accordance with SOLAS and STCW requirements.
To be considered for employment you should hold the following minimum qualifications:
*Preference is given to AMSA issued Certificates of Competency / Recognition / Proficiency

Deck Officer
Certificate of Competency as Watchkeeper (Unlimited)*
Certificate of Competency for GMDSS*
Ship Security Officer training
Security Awareness training/endorsements (if no SSO)
ECDIS generic training
For our Tanker projects all Deck Officers require ADVANCED OIL tanker endorsements
Confined Space training (Desirable)
Deck officers are primarily responsible for the safe navigational operation of a vessel while the vessel is at sea. They enjoy high levels of responsibility and are required to perform a range of duties. These include managing a navigational watch, designing and implementing a passage plan, monitoring the vessel’s position, speed and direction using sophisticated navigational instruments including electronic charts and RADAR.
Engineering Officer
Certificate of Competency as Watchkeeper (Unlimited)*
Security Awareness training/endorsements
For our Tanker projects all Engineer Officers require ADVANCED OIL tanker endorsements
Confined Space training (Desirable)
Marine Engineers are primarily responsible for the safe mechanical operation of a vessel.
Essentially, they are responsible for operating and maintaining a vessel’s structure, machinery and equipment to make sure the vessel is functioning safely and effectively at all times.
Certificate of Proficiency as Able Seafarer Deck, Able Seafarer Engine or Integrated Rating*
Security Awareness training/endorsements
For our Tanker Projects all Ratings require FAMILIARISATION tanker endorsements
Confined Space training (Desirable)
Deck and Engine Ratings are the general crew on a ship that are not specifically allocated to engine or deck duties.
It is a skilled occupation with responsibility for both the cargo and engine areas, and requires international certification.